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How Long Do I Have to File a Hail Damage Claim?

Few things are worse than stepping outside after a terrible storm to assess damage… and finding that you actually have some. The plink plink plink of hail’s onset quickly progresses into thud thunk thud… and now in the back of your mind echoes the tick tock tick of the insurance claim clock. While standing out there in the driveway gazing up at your roof, the first question that pops into your mind is:

How long do I have to file an insurance claim for hail damage?

The answer (and good news) is that most of the main insurance companies out there will allow a window of twelve months to file a claim regarding hail damage – although you won’t want to wait this long to get going on the claim. This kind of damage can wreak long term havoc on the home, as well as all your possessions within. You’ll want to set up an inspection with your local and reliable roofing company, St. Louis Roofing & Renovation, as soon as you can.

So what happens if hail ruined your roof over a year ago, but you never filed a claim? Perhaps the damage wasn’t massive, you thought everything would be okay, or problems and leaks didn’t start until now. There is a slight chance you could still obtain insurance compensation for this damage… especially if between then and now there happened to be another storm involving high winds and hail. You can still file a claim on roof damage whether the damage came from the most recent storm, or the storm over a year ago! It might seem like a shady loophole, but it’s a loophole that has worked for many homeowners. The window of time you have to file a hail damage claim will reset with each hail storm that strikes. Remember that any reputable roofing company will usually offer a FREE hail inspection and estimate. So if money being tight is the reason you didn’t file before, don’t let it stop you now!

What happens if you don’t qualify for an insurance claim?

This is a question that can stop homeowners from making the call to a roofing company for an inspection and estimate. There are some cases where the damage the home has taken isn’t enough to warrant an insurance claim. Still, you could be surprised at how affordable a repair or even roof replacements can be when you’ve chosen the right team of roofing experts. Keep in mind that waiting out a small problem because you’re worried about affordability could easily lead to a larger, more expensive issue down the road. Some roofing companies also offer payment plans, will have specials going, or provide rebates depending on your situation – you’ll never know unless you ask! Call St. Louis Roofing and Renovation today!